CHAD HOUGH is a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM.

"My mission is to inspire people to change their lives by becoming more physically active, and educate them on nutritional food choices."

He also wants to help his clients plan and obtain measurable, realistic goals in order to optimize their chance for a successful experience.

Chad graduated in 1998 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he received his Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Science and Exercise. After college, he worked as a Physical Therapy Aide leading patients safely through their customized gym/aquatic exercise programs so as to achieve a successful recovery, and also assisted Physical Therapists with more advanced procedures and mobilizations. Having a physical therapy background provides him with an edge in personal training that emphasizes injury prevention, flexibility, and proper form.

Along with his CPT certification from NASM, Chad has also earned his CES (Corrective Exercise Specialists), thus providing the advanced knowledge, skills and abilities to successfully work with clients suffering from musculoskeletal impairments, imbalances, or post-rehabilitation concerns. He has trained a variety of clientele ranging from high school athletes, professional models, and those just looking to improve their overall fitness and health.

"Like the ol' saying goes, 'There is no ‘I’ in TEAM.' Your goals are my goals, and we will travel that path together!"

In addition to Personal Training, Chad also works as a Certified Tennis Instructor.